How to Create 10x Content Best of Whiteboard

Howdy, Moz fans, and welcome to another edition of Whiteboard Friday. This week we’re chatting about how to create 10x content.

Now, for those of you who might need a refresher or who haven’t seen previous Whiteboard Fridays where we’ve talked about 10x content, this is the idea that, because of content saturation, and content overload, the idea that there’s just so much in our streams and standing out is so hard, we can’t just say, “Hey, I want to be as good as the top 10 people in the search results for this particular keyword term or phrase.” We have to say, “How can I create something 10 times better than what any of these folks are currently doing?” That’s how we stand out.

Howdy, Moz fans, and welcome to another edition of Whiteboard Friday. This week we’re chatting about how to create 10x content.

Now, for those of you who might need a refresher or who haven’t seen previous Whiteboard Fridays where we’ve talked about 10x content, this is the idea that, because of content saturation, and content overload, the idea that there’s just so much in our streams and standing out is so hard, we can’t just say, “Hey, I want to be as good as the top 10 people in the search results for this particular keyword term or phrase.” We have to say, “How can I create something 10 times better than what any of these folks are currently doing?” That’s how we stand out.

Howdy, Moz fans, and welcome to another edition of Whiteboard Friday. This week we’re chatting about how to create 10x content.

Now, for those of you who might need a refresher or who haven’t seen previous Whiteboard Fridays where we’ve talked about 10x content, this is the idea that, because of content saturation, and content overload, the idea that there’s just so much in our streams and standing out is so hard, we can’t just say, “Hey, I want to be as good as the top 10 people in the search results for this particular keyword term or phrase.” We have to say, “How can I create something 10 times better than what any of these folks are currently doing?” That’s how we stand out.


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